TSA 325 * Automatic revolving door system for three- or four-leaf doors

TSA 325 Automatic revolving door system for three or four-leaf doors
  • Very quiet running, low-wear drive solution with a canopy height of at least 200 mm
  • Precise closing of the door leaves with the side walls
  • Effective insulation effect against draughts, weather and noise
  • Adjustable automatic speed setting, in line with the number of people passing through
  • Manual operation of the door possible, e.g. to carry out cleaning work
  • Independent error recognition and recording
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Application Areas

  • Three- and four-leaf door systems
  • Interior and exterior doors with high access frequency
  • Representative building entrances with large incidence of light
  • Façades with slim mullion-transom constructions
  • Glass façades with the highest design standards
  • Inner diameter ranging from 1800 to 3600 mm possible
  • Suitable profile systems are fine-framed profile systems with ISO and mono glass

Technical data

TSA 325
Manual operation Yes
Fully automatic operation Yes
Servo function Yes
Suitability for escape and rescue routes No
Break-out function (BO) No
Inner diameter (min.) 1800 mm
Inner diameter (max.) 3600 mm
For 3-leaf door systems Yes
For 4-leaf door systems Yes
Clear passage height 3000 mm
Canopy height (min.) 200 mm
Illumination Yes
Lock Manual
Door handles horizontal or vertical Yes
Floor ring Yes
Disabled person's button Yes

Variants & Accessories


GEZE Central 4006909003 Hotline for architects +86-22-8689-2532